light bulb thinking

Physical activity is linked to better classroom performance

 It’s no secret that exercise is good for your child. Along with other benefits, it can cut his risk for obesity, diabetes and even some types of cancer. But did you know that physical fitness may also help him in school?

Studies show that, compared with their inactive peers, children who get regular exercise:

• Have better hand-eye coordination.

• Are better listeners.

• Are less fidgety during class.

• Have better handwriting. To give your child lots of opportunities to get his heart pumping:

• Go on regular walks. Pick a time, such as before or after dinner, to take a short walk around your neighborhood. Make this a habit.

• Take the long way. When you are out running errands, skip the elevators and escalators and take the stairs. Choose parking spots that will allow you to walk a bit farther.

• Play active games. From shooting hoops to tag, there’s no end to the fun your family can have. • Have contests. When you watch TV together, challenge your child to a competition. During commercial breaks, see who can do the most jumping jacks or pushups.

• Put him in charge. Challenge your child to come up with some creative ways to keep your family moving.

Reprinted with permission from the November 2021 issue of Parents make the difference!®  (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2021 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc. Source: “Physically active children have improved learning and well-being, DMU researchers find,” De Montfort University.