Midland High

Principal: Sherri LaCoste
735 South Crocker St.
Midland, LA 70559
Phone: 337-783-3310
Fax: 337-783-3332
Website: https://www.acadia.k12.la.us/o/MHS
Classification: Secondary
Grade(s): 8—12

Midland High mascot

Mascot and Colors

Home of the

School Colors

Mission Statement:

Our system recognizes that each student is an individual and the school must be further organized so that each child will be put in a position to develop certain desirable habits and attitudes. The system must present those essential facts and basic skills appropriate to the child's maturity level. The child will experience the maximum development of each talent, so that, by living successfully through school experiences today, he may take a place in society as well-adjusted, self-disciplined, cultured citizen in whom is implanted these democratic, spiritual, and moral principles that distinguish our western culture. We believe that our school program must be built around the needs and interests of the student, flexible to allow further enrichment and unified to maintain a feeling of security.

To do this, the faculty and staff of Midland High School will establish these goals and objectives:

  1. The student will present fundamental skills and knowledge, which are essentials to all other learning.

  2. The school will aid the learner to express ideas efficiently and effectively.

  3. The school will help the learner to gain an understanding for our form of government, of the part the United States plays in the world affairs, and of his/her obligations as a good citizen.

  4. The school will present the scientific approach to problem-solving and help the learner to recognize the need for conservation of human and natural resources.

  5. The school will offer courses that will help the student acquire saleable skills in order to take his/her place in the economic world.

  6. The school will create interest in the learner becoming an intelligent consumer of material goods, cultural products, and services.

  7. The school will provide access to vocational interests which are satisfying and which provide for worthy use of leisure time.

  8. The school will present ideas to help the student learn to recognize and react properly to ethical, aesthetic and moral value.

  9. The school will provide a program which will help the student develop and maintain good physical and mental health.

A good mission must also include continuing evaluation that can best be accomplished by parent-teacher partnership and community input into our objective. We must strive as a learning entity to meet the ever changing needs of society.